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Technology and Cloud

We are innovation and technology-driven

Technology and Cloud



Thanks to our constant commitment to technological development, we offer our clients a series of Cloud-based products with the aim of facilitating and optimising specific tasks in your company.



Web-based communication platform between the Consultancy and your company, much more secure and reliable than e-mail. 

Access for authorised managers to an encrypted and highly secure web environment, multi-device (tablets, smartphones) and 365 days a year.

Highly efficient filter and search system for faster document retrieval.

Access to the file of each employee: personal data, contractual information, working hours, income tax withholding, etc... 

We are responsible for posting the following documents in your Private Area:

  • Liquidations and informative tax returns: VAT, IGIC, Corporate Tax, Personal Income Tax, Informative declaration of Intra-Community Transactions, etc.
  • Annual Accounts.
  • Economic-financial reports, summary of labour costs, etc.
  • Payrolls, settlements.
  • Employment contracts.
  • Certificates of withholdings and income on account of personal income tax.
  • Contract extensions, novation of contracts
  • Form 145.
  • Social Security (RNT, RLC)
  • Company information: deeds, CIF (tax identification number)
  • Directory with new legislation published by our firm.
  • Any other document you may request



Communication system available to your company's employees by means of an encrypted web environment.

Employees access their private area with a user name and password.

Advantages of employee portal:

  • Time saving for the HR department and optimisation of tasks.
  • Improved communication and image of the organisation.
  • Availability and accessibility at all times of basic documentation for the employee and multi-device (tablets, smartphones).
  • Key system and encrypted website guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of data at all times.
  • Linked to a database, providing information in real time.

Document Management Module

Provide your employees with basic work documentation that they can access at all times, with maximum confidentiality and security.

  • Bulletin board: general communications from the company to employees.
  • Downloading and filing of payslips and income tax certificates.
  • Possibility of attaching documents to the payslip such as incentives, bonuses, summary of overtime, etc.
  • Modification of bank details and employee's personal details.
  • Company organisation chart and assignment of managers according to departments and company structure.

Absenteeism Management Module

In order to optimise the level of absenteeism, it is essential to have a tool that allows us to control and manage it accurately.

  • Communication and request for employee absenteeism to the management chain.
  • System for attaching supporting documents: medical visits, confirmation reports, etc.
  • Organisation by type of absenteeism according to the needs of the company: medical leave, family medical visit, work accident, maternity, etc...
  • Validation of absenteeism by the manager.
  • Calculation of absenteeism by hours or days.
  • Visualisation of the absenteeism of each employee in the annual calendar.
  • Personalised reports on absenteeism, by work centre, type of absenteeism, comparison between periods, etc.

Knowing the level of absenteeism is key in improving the productivity of your company and for strategic decision-making.

Holiday Management Module

Tool to optimise the management of holidays via the Employee Portal in a secure and reliable way.

Facilitates the task of organising holiday shifts by providing a highly visual and intuitive environment.

  • Requests for holidays and personal days made by employees.
  • Validation of holidays via the hierarchical channel. One or several managers can be designated to validate holidays.
  • Consultation of days taken and outstanding balance.
  • Annual holiday calendar individualised for each employee or grouped by department and exportable to Excel.
  • Company Work Calendar available on the bulletin board of the portal.



Technological solution shared between the client and our office for an efficient and productive management of the HR Department.



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