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Legal Consulting

The legal solution for prevention, defence and claims with proven quality and efficiency

Legal Consulting



Are you sure that the decisions taken comply with legal requirements and offer the best defence in conflictive situations?

We assist companies in all aspects of their corporate life. We provide peace of mind; our priority is to advise in order to avoid conflictive situations and if they occur, to offer the best defence.

Commercial and Company Law

  • Incorporation and dissolution of trading companies, associations and foundations.
  • Increase and reduction of capital.
  • Drafting and modification of articles of association. Attendance at shareholder meetings.
  • Company acquisitions. Branches of activity and assets.
  • Due diligence.
  • Conflicts between partners. Challenging of agreements.
  • Managerial responsibility.
  • Drafting of commercial contracts.

Civil Law

  • Incorporation and dissolution of civil companies and joint ownerships.
  • Incorporation of Economic Interest Groups and temporary joint ventures.
  • Actions for the defence of directors' liability, product liability, etc.
  • Drafting and negotiation of all types of contracts: agency, distribution and construction contracts...
  • Franchises. Pre-contractual information documents. Contracts. Registration in the Registry of Franchisors.
  • Purchase and sale of real estate.
  • Urban leases. Contracts. Debt recovery. Evictions.
  • Family matters, separation and divorce. Common-law couples.
  • Disabilities.

Successions and Inheritances

  • Legal assistance in the organisation of family assets and in the succession of assets of the family business.
  • Advice on the tax planning of the succession to optimise the tax burden.
  • Inventories and acceptance of inheritances. Legitimacy.
  • Inheritance and gift tax.
  • Wills. Declarations of intestate inheritance.

Labour Law

  • Writs, appeals, claims before official bodies.
  • Defence or claims in Labour Courts or other higher courts.
  • Collective negotiations.
  • Cases of substantial modification of working conditions.

Data Protection

  • Adaptation to Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on Personal Data Protection.
  • Provision of services of external Data Protection Officer (DPO).
  • Legal defence against inspections and disciplinary proceedings.
  • Comprehensive maintenance and support service.
  • Validation of compliance in digital marketing campaigns.
  • Legal compliance of websites, e-commerce and Apps.
  • Compliance with legal obligations in the installation of video surveillance systems.
  • Specific adaptation in Cloud Computing.
  • Personalised training sessions.

Claims for unpaid debts

  • Legal advice. Out-of-court negotiation.
  • Legal claim for debts of defaulters.



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