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Business Consulting

Comprehensive, complex and specialised solutions

Business Consulting



We advise our clients by assigning a personal advisor who knows the company and its sector, with a team in charge of studying the most appropriate recommendations and solutions for each case.

We place special emphasis on offering absolute availability in order toprovide quick responses andservice of the highest quality.

Tax Advice and Tax Management

Are you sure that you are complying with all your obligations to the Tax Agency and that you are applying the tax regulations correctly?

We provide periodic andoccasional advice on matterswhich may be in the interest of the client in order to ensure the proper fulfilment of their tax obligations.

In general, we have experience in all local, autonomous, state and community taxes.

Direct taxation:

  • Corporate Income Tax.
  • Personal Income Tax.
  • Non-Resident Income Tax.
  • Wealth Tax.

Indirect taxation:

  • Tax on Economic Activities.
  • Value-added tax.
  • ITP and AJD.(Property transfer tax and stamp duty)
  • Excise duties.

Periodic fiscal analysis during the business year and reporting to management.

Special review at the end of the fiscal period, establishing the close of the financial year.

Tax Planning

Do you want to make investments or divestments in the least burdensome way?

Do you need to prepare for business succession?

We provide proactive advice to ensure optimal taxation. We regard tax planning as a continuous practice, starting from the current situation and adapting it to your objectives and strategic plans.

  • Analysis of the different operations of your business and advice on the variousalternativesfor each of the taxes that are affected in such operations.
  • Tax planning for new companies, investments or businesses by studying the best approach to the economic facts.
  • Estate tax planning and succession of the family business, analysing the fiscal impact of succession, family protocols, inheritance, Inheritance and Gift Tax.

Tax Procedures

We help companies that are subject to tax checks or inspections, offering them support and assistance with their processing, representing them and advising them to achieve the best resolution.

  • Fiscal representation in relations with the Tax Administration, especially with Tax Inspections: State, Autonomous and Local.
  • Preparation and presentation of appeals and claims in economic-administrative or contentious-administrative proceedings until a final resolution or sentence is obtained.

Corporate Restructuring

Are you seeking to avoid liabilities which affect the assets of the companies and their partners?

Do you want to create a holding structure or group the activities of different companies into a single company?

We advise on operations pertaining to the reorganization of corporate structure, with relation to holding companies, mergers, spin-offs, exchanges of securities and non-monetary contributions, in order to define and implement the corporate structure that best suits the present and future needs of the company or corporate group.

We analyse the possibility of applying the special tax regime for restructuring operations and optimising the tax burden.

Restructuring operations must be planned and carried out with great care, as they are often targeted by the tax authorities due to the tax advantages they entail.

International Taxation

Do you want to understand the impact of double taxation agreements on the operations to be carried out?

Are you a foreign company looking to invest in Spain?

Do you need tax advice to internationalise your company?

  • We advise companies on their international operations, analysing the fiscal aspects that may affect them.
  • We accompany our clients in their process of internationalisation.
  • We advise foreign companies wishing to set up in Spain.

Telematic Notifications

We offer you the service of reception, control and management of the electronic notifications that the Tax Agency sends to companies.
We provide peace of mind to our clients and avoid possible tax penalties by attending to their electronic notifications.



It is an essential tool for sound decision-making.

We provide flexibility in accounting management by incorporating technology to optimise processes.

The accounting consultancy service ranges from accounting advice for administrative staffto the preparation of the accounts themselves.

  • Preparation of one-time or complex accounting entries.
  • Study and analysis of the year-end closing of accounts.
  • Preparation of accounts in the company or at our offices.
  • Economic analysis - financial statements.
  • Training of company accounting department staff.
  • Analyticalaccounting.

Administrative outsourcing allows the company to focus its resources and efforts on its core business, leaving the management of ancillary activities to experts.

Administrative and financial outsourcing



We provide a consultancy service and compliance with the commercial regulations that affect your company, directors and partners.

  • Preparation and filing of the annual accounts with the Mercantile Registry.
  • Annual drafting of the minutes of the resolutions of the governing body.
  • Annual approval of accounts and Directors’ remuneration.
  • Legalisation of the accounts. Trade books. Presentation of the Minute Books and changes in shareholding.

Commercial Legal Advice



They have entrusted the administration of their staff to our team of labour lawyers and experts in labour relations, with the assurance of a service of the highest quality and speed.

LabourConsultancy and Administration

  • Attention to queries and advice from highly qualified professionals undergoing continuous training.
  • Assigned advisor responsible for the account and specialists for each area of the work environment.
  • Salary receipts.
  • Payroll allocations by cost centres.
  • Social Security contributions.
  • Personal income tax declarations and periodic regularisations.
  • Updating of salaries and arrears according to agreement.
  • Notification of expiry dates for temporary contracts.
  • Expatriate labour arrangements.
  • Occupational Risk Prevention.
  • Reception and management of electronic notifications received from the General Treasury of Social Security for your company.
  • Online consultancy.
  • Company Portal: all labour documentation collected in a web environment + information.
  • Employee Portal: tool for workers with the functions of downloading payslips, requesting holidays, managing absenteeism, etc. + information.


  • Comparison of costs between different contracts.
  • Requests for hiring of new employees on public holidays or outside customer service hours.
  • Analysis and proposal of bonuses.
  • Study and preparation of special clauses.
  • Contracts for senior management, sales representatives, etc...
  • Electronic signing of employment contracts by means of digital certificate and automatic filing in Employee Portaland Company Portal.

Dismissals / Termination of employment

  • Disciplinary or objective dismissals.
  • Attendance at conciliation proceedings for workers' claims.
  • Settlement of terminations, balance and severance pay.
  • Written warnings and penalties.


Advice on the development of strategies that position your company with a competitive advantage. Fundamental to anticipate future economiccontingencies..

  • Tailor-made labour reports and analysis of wages and their costs. By cost centre, department, geographical location, etc.
  • Review of remuneration policies designed by the company. Remuneration in kind or based on objectives.
  • Calculations and simulations according to scenarios to be determined by the client.
  • Assistance to companies: one-stop shop for direct support to employees on labour issues.
  • Employment regulation proceedings • Files for retirement, disability, etc.
  • Labour inspections.
  • Documentation centre on new legal and labour legislation
  • DueDiligence. Labouraudits.

Management of Continuous Training Allowances

Did you know that the training can be in-house (organised and carried out by trainers from your own company) and that it can be financed from the annual credit for continuous training activities?

  • Advice and planning to optimise the recovery of the credit available to your company in the subsidised continuous training system.
  • Preparation of all documentation related to the training file and presentation before the State Foundation for Training in Employment (formerTripartite Foundation).
  • Follow-up of the file until the application of the social security rebate.



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